Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

Upstairs, 1997

By Beefpounder on June 9, 2024 5:42 pm

I remember being a child in my brand new bedroom on the second floor of our house. Back then the area we lived in wasn't super developed, just a subdivision and fuck-all else. Nearby the house there was a rail line with cargo trains running 24/7. At night due to the lack of development you could hear and feel those trains lumbering on all night long.

Like it is for all eight year olds in a brand new house it was rather scary those first few nights. New sounds, new room, new darkness. My parents TV and the steady rumble of train cars in the distance would bleed into every dream I had, good or bad.

Tried to recreate it. Cheers.

Dude, your volume control in this track was perfect.  Even now I still find it hard to fall asleep and your track evoked the identifiable yet unclear (and kind of sinister) sounds I am all to familiar with.  And like at 2am I was struggling to get a better understanding of what I was listening to.  Awesome work

This is super interesting from a nostalgia perspective because we moved into out house around the same time (96 or 97) and our neighbor was still basically just dirt haha. There were some foundations that were built for the houses they were working on, but we were the only house on the street. For the first week we were sleeping on cots in the living room and my parent's bedroom had a single TV sitting on the floor that I would sit in front of and watch. At the time it was Courage the Cowardly Dog on cartoon network all the time, which was even more eerie because Courage's house is in the middle of no where. Just felt like my house.
Anyways, the audio I'm hearing in the background made me think of that memory when I'd watch Courage the Cowardly Dog. Took me back.

Wow….reading your introduction and then listening gave this particular weight. Thinking about how an eight year old hears Things That Go Bump In The Night…and I was taken back to what that was like, for a little bit. An excellent soundscape, and excellent storytelling. Evocative and unsettling, in all the best ways.

Damn, I was 14 when we moved out into an area like that. No houses around yet and my house was put smack middle between 2 tracks not even a couple hundred feet each side. Like y'all said I had a TV and mattress on my floor. And I used to run the TV all night just to drown out the rumbling and train horns constantly going by every 30 min or so. This track hit home. Anyways, I can sleep through a dozen trains going through my house now. Not sure if that's a good thing but I can lol

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