Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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By BarristerPlong on December 22, 2024 7:38 pm

Dozens of attempts at tracks this week, they're all something, but way more work, or outside my skill range. Made this in a panic to get something made. It's using the new granular engines on the Minifreak 3.0 patch and of course my jazzmaster.
Everything I'm making lately feels like it needs more time. I need to get better organized on a longer than weekly scope. This year has taught me a ton and helped me get through a ton of mental barriers, I think I need to organize a little better and not be so embarrassed to make connections with other musicians.
Have a wonderful Christmas Weekly pals!

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goo... that guitar tone is just beautiful!

That ambient granular pad is very nice with your guitar. Such a delicate touch! Really nice.

I share your snetiment about always feeling rushed. I'm considering a monthly beats next year but I don't trust myself to not wait until the last week of each month lol.

This is lovely. Almost like the dawn to last week’s deep night. An opposite, bright and streaming.  Hoping you get to dig into the discards from this week - betting there’s a ton of great stuff in there!

I know what you mean about feeling rushed. I haven’t did as deeply into sound design as I would have liked because I wanted to get something done, and not end up down a rabbit hole. Looking forward to stretching out and exploring more next year - thinking like Monthly Beats on Streak is going to be more of a diary than working on songs, per se smile

gorgeous track. be gentle with yrself, BP. it's been a year.
i've very much enjoyed getting to know you & your music.
one more!

Ooof +1 guitar tone.  Instant stop you in your tracks feels with this.  The guitar and the space it sits in is so soothing.  Always appreciate when synth gear get cool updates that make it feel like a brand new piece of gear.  Love the tones and frequencies you hit in this beautiful piece.  WB has taught me a lot and been a special place over the past ten years for me.  One big community of musical_frainds smile  It's been fun listening to your tracks this year! You got dis! \m/  excellent extended outro.

emily wrote:

goo... that guitar tone is just beautiful!

thank you! heart

PeterM wrote:

That ambient granular pad is very nice with your guitar. Such a delicate touch! Really nice.

I share your snetiment about always feeling rushed. I'm considering a monthly beats next year but I don't trust myself to not wait until the last week of each month lol.

Yeah! I'm thinking next year will be seasonal albums. Capture the moods of the year.

Paisleyfrog wrote:

This is lovely. Almost like the dawn to last week’s deep night. An opposite, bright and streaming.  Hoping you get to dig into the discards from this week - betting there’s a ton of great stuff in there!

I know what you mean about feeling rushed. I haven’t did as deeply into sound design as I would have liked because I wanted to get something done, and not end up down a rabbit hole. Looking forward to stretching out and exploring more next year - thinking like Monthly Beats on Streak is going to be more of a diary than working on songs, per se smile

For sure. I've got tons of little projects to complete in the new year. I should reach out to other beats crew and maybe do some colabs.

jwh wrote:

gorgeous track. be gentle with yrself, BP. it's been a year.
i've very much enjoyed getting to know you & your music.
one more!

It's been a heck of a year for sure. I've really love listening to your stuff and your method. Its great and inspiring! To another year of inspiration and pals.

Tone Matrix wrote:

Ooof +1 guitar tone.  Instant stop you in your tracks feels with this.  The guitar and the space it sits in is so soothing.  Always appreciate when synth gear get cool updates that make it feel like a brand new piece of gear.  Love the tones and frequencies you hit in this beautiful piece.  WB has taught me a lot and been a special place over the past ten years for me.  One big community of musical_frainds smile  It's been fun listening to your tracks this year! You got dis! \m/  excellent extended outro.

Thank you! This is a really special community and I love it so much. Its been a delight to go from zero produced music last November to where we are today!

Beautiful heart This feels like a winter morning, where you can still see the frost on the fields and the sun is slowly rising in the distance. There is still a bit of mist, so you can see the rays of light from the sun, the sun itself being a blur

feels like a bit like a winter walk, or maybe a winter float. smile really nice, both the continuous notes and the nice guitar parts in between.

BarristerPlong wrote:

This is a really special community and I love it so much. Its been a delight to go from zero produced music last November to where we are today!

have felt like this a lot as well, the only thing i had this time last year was layered guitar loops/doodles mayyybe once a year.  it's been a bit of a trip to go from that to 52 little... things!

Very peaceful.
- Spider

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