chromacoast (LT1)
By zirafa on April 19, 2020 11:12 pm
One of my goals with weekly beats has been to better understand the 0-coast, but another goal has been to try and figure out a live electronic setup. I feel like I've been avoiding the second bit, thus far just sampling the 0-coast or doing something like using the 0-coast as a bass/lead in a multitrack session.
Here's my first attempt at an actual live performance using the 0-coast and a custom MIDI controller I made called the Chromawheel to input chords and notes into the 0-coast. The only thing I added in post was some reverb and compression. There are definitely some mistakes in the performance, and things devolve into a noisy mess towards the end, but for the sake of moving closer to my goal I'm going to bite the bullet and suppress my impulse to edit and fix things...
The track is around 8 min, I'm not sure why WB seems to think it is 20 min -- possibly because I saved it as MP3 VBR?
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