By WreckoftheAdmella on February 19, 2012 11:27 am
Audio works licensed by author under:
Copyright All rights reserved / Music / WreckoftheAdmella's music / Neoplasia
Audio works licensed by author under:
Copyright All rights reserved
Great intro, though it feels like it drags on a bit at the repeated "Why"s. The break into the chorus/bridge is great, and there's a real energy infused into the piece. Also loving that obscured time signature(s?). Would like to hear some gradual development during the verses to help give direction to the piece.
Overall, a fantastic job.
Great track dude! Bass possibly a bit too compressed for this track? Now you've just gotta start a live band
super slick guitar, I feel like I need to be driving a fast car at something/someone
Appreciate the feedback. All very valid points. I see the wisdom in your words. Respect.
Thanks all.
Exciting stuff indeed.