Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.


By ViridianLoom on July 7, 2024 10:43 pm

Came pretty close to not submitting anything today because I was planning on taking a break. Went for a run this morning, made a hearty breakfast, lounged around and chilled. But in the last hour I figured "Eh, let me see if I can write something." So I did. Pretty nice to not stress out about it so much.

Sorry I haven't listened to anyone's music from last week yet. I was stressed about other things.

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Very pensive and pretty. Glad you got this one in! Glad to hear you got a chance to catch a bit of a well-earned breather too. Hope the stress subsides soon.

Like the white noise effects. Nice job making one despite your best efforts not to

I really like the way this piece develops, oh, you know what this reminds me of Catherine!  It feels like it could be in fit in to one of the bar scenes, when you have the chance to get to know the other patrons.  Little bit melancholic, though still lively, but very atmospheric.  Really nice track. 

I'm both glad that you submitted it, and that you did so without stressing over it.  I hope you find some catharsis and peace. 

I really dig the nice piano melody and that super reverby snare drum. There are some really good melodies in here.

Napear wrote:

I really like the way this piece develops, oh, you know what this reminds me of Catherine!  It feels like it could be in fit in to one of the bar scenes, when you have the chance to get to know the other patrons.  Little bit melancholic, though still lively, but very atmospheric.  Really nice track. 

I'm both glad that you submitted it, and that you did so without stressing over it.  I hope you find some catharsis and peace.

Oh man, I love the Catherine compliment. Excellent game with an awesome sound track smile. And yeah, I've found a bit of relief from the stress. I was having a medical scare but recent test results show that I'm ok. Trying not to take it for granted and trying to exercise more and eat healthier.

Love how the piano and kick/snare sit so nicely together in the mix.  The subtle punch of the kick with the bass and piano sounds so soothing.  Lovely progression that allows the mind to wander and settle in a calmer state.  The piano sounds great especially with those longer held out notes.

Crazy, I related to your previous weeks post and also relate to this as well. I was putting out stuff I didn't like and in the same time I wasn't listening to anyone elses music either for some reason. I felt bad and was putting it off (I kept saying, ill check it out next week and never did) This is a pretty tune, reminds me of those old rpgs exploring a new cave wondering what crazy boss, guarding some gems, is at the end. haha

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