Dolphin Funeral
By Toneless on February 21, 2016 6:49 pm
Started this with the basic idea to run a sustained violin sample through MMultibandGranular, with things set in such a way to create arpeggios. I was curious how strange it might sound to do it in this indirect way, instead of just playing different notes. The results aren't actually arpeggios, just random notes from the chords I chose playing over each other. It's not what I was aiming for but I like it a lot, and I could use it to great effect with a more complicated chord progression.
Overall the structure is weak. I was aiming for something longer that this would be the first section of, but time and attention issues got in my way. I'm pretty happy I was able to get a bunch of elements that sound right together in the time I spent, and I'll definitely do something more with this in the future.
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