Until We Have Touched The Darkness
By Tone Matrix on September 11, 2022 4:51 am
Went most of the week without any solid ideas. I attempted a few times to start early in the week but just wasn't feeling anything. I thought I would be doing a quick speed trash 60sec noodle as a last minute resort. Sat down at the keyboard Saturday night and the melody just sorta flew out my fingers on the first attempt. It's kind of funny how that works. Most days I'll just jam, noodle, play all over the place and really not come up with anything substantial. Then there are moments when the melody just comes right out and the chords follow one another. Course this is nothing ground breaking it's just a nice feeling when your brain doesn't have to search too far for the next chord or note.
The funny part of this was my cat, Beanie was waiting for her dinner while I plunked down the chords and melody. So she was sitting right next to me inches from the keys watching my fingers. Since I've been doing these ableton capture recordings it was a race against time because Beanie likes to look out the window as well. The only way she can get herself up to the window is to trample over the keyboard. I have a few other captures from previous weeks where it captured her random paw generated "melodies". So this recording was one cat paw away from being turned into mashed chaos. Thankfully she was patient and I finished my noodle
tanks fer listenin!
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