TSDT - Dream, Door, Dare (Chapter 31)
By Tomavatars on October 26, 2014 11:13 pm
"Our hero sleep. Dreamlike journey. Open door."
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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Tomavatars's music / TSDT - Dream, Door, Dare (Chapter 31)
"Our hero sleep. Dreamlike journey. Open door."
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Copyright All rights reserved
Nice use of space. I usually don't like filter sweeps, but they fit well here.
Nice use of space. I usually don't like filter sweeps, but they fit well here.
Thanks Jim. Some sounds are patches I made for the last track.
This track was a hell to realize. I made some choices that guided me but also lost me at the end.
Finally it's ok, but I hate to feel that some elements shouldn't be there.