The Exchange
By Thursdaybloom on January 20, 2012 5:20 am
" on the midnight train into St. Petersburg Metro. We'll meet there. Come alone."
Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND) / Music / Thursdaybloom's music / The Exchange
" on the midnight train into St. Petersburg Metro. We'll meet there. Come alone."
Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND)
Really really enjoyed the build-up of this track. It's beautiful!
Beautiful. I love that the majority of the track is just building and building.
Loving the loop, and the recording of a train. Works well in the mix
Really beautiful. Found sounds add a lot, and the subtlety of changing texture make this a most enjoyable piece to listen to.
This could so easily fit into the scene you described if filmed. Really nice work.
loved it! reminds me of something i would hear on druqks. very cool stuff!
Ahhh - sub bass. Niiice. Great loops you've ended with. Atmos perfect.
what a fucking masterpiece. Really dragged me in and left me in a good mood ... thanks for that
Wow thanks for the amazing comment Wheely! Thank you everyone for always saying such positive things about my music. Being a bedroom musician it can be daunting letting people hear my creations.
Vinpous: I have a slowly growing collection of field recordings. I've been using found sounds/background noises in music since day one
Chillmatic: Thanks, but I have to disagree.
Lien: I'm so glad you got it. Ideally my description would have been footage of looking out of a train window but I have no means of accomplishing that. My plan B then was to include a line of dialogue from this non-existant espionage thriller
R: The restraint was tough. The hardest part was not including strings. My apologies extend out to Beverage for this not including 500 layers of epic. I couldn't resist adding beats to the end though, so the challenge was to give them that feeling of restraint. I must have done ok at that...