Actually quite straight forward music this week. I got a new modular case, and of course had to do a first patch with it. One of the sounds here was that. All modular, minimal in-the-box processing for compression and ambience
‹ Patch Notes
Main clock is the square out of Dixie II, in LFO mode. That goes directly to RCD, and the /1 out is multed for other uses.
First Sound:
Make Noise Telmharmonic is the sound source here, with degree coming from a sequence of Pressure Points clocked via /1 mult into Brains. That's also triggering the Strike input on optomix. The /5 out from RCD is firing a long envelope on maths, which is going to the optomix control in. This gives the plucky sound some rise and fall underneath it for a pad-ish result from the same source as well. The result there goes through Make Noise Echophon, which gets some gentle pitch shifting modulation from wogglebug (clocked to the /6 out from RCD).
Trigger 1 from pressure points and /7 from the RCD get combied and go to the evenlope trigger on Pittsburgh Synthesizer Box. The envelope out there goes to the FM input which is cranked. Mostly the triangle wave with some blade, square, and sub-square wave get mixed together and go to the inboard filter and VCA.
This sound is the noise out from Telharmonic into uVCA. The envelope comes from Maths, which is being triggered by the combined 3rd and 7th trigger outs on Pressure Points. The audio signal then goes through Pittsburg's Analog Replicator for some slappy delay.
Make Noise STO is the source here. the shape control is being modulated from Maths's OR output, and the shape out of STO goes to the Dave Smith Modular DSM-1 Curtis Filter. Both the frequency CV and VCA on the Curtis filter are being modulated by Pittsburgh's Envelope, which is having it's fall parameter CV'd from pressure points as well.
The 4MS Spectral Multiband Resonator here is the key. It's motion is being triggered from the Wogglebug burst out. That sound goes into the Doepfer A-124 VCF5 Wasp filter. The CV2 source for the filter is the an LFO coming from the PGH Synth Box. That sound goes to the second Optomix channel, and the control source there is the out from Intellijel uFold, whose in is Maths's inverted mix out. The folds control is cranked in the VI stage mode.