Simon Moldskred - Week 1 (piano)
By Simon Moldskred (piano) on January 5, 2014 11:55 pm
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Copyright All rights reserved / Music / Simon Moldskred (piano)'s music / Simon Moldskred - Week 1 (piano)
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Copyright All rights reserved
I love the fact that this is the first song on WB that i've heard!
Seems like a live recording, you have a good grip there. Also the piano sounds like its from Reason, which I often use for practicing with my 32 key midi (not very useful, I need 80 for such stuff
). Nice atmosphere, reminds me of some of the tracks from my earlier Piano album, which you can listen here - . Let me know how you like them.
ah! This is a very interesting take on WB, I dig the piano composition live recording
Wow, thank you for all the comments! I really just use WB as a sketch pad for my music, then afterwards I take the bits I like and hopefully compose a final piece. Everything you hear is done live and from the heart, so I never know how the piece will evolve or how it will end, until I simply start to play