Delfino Plaza
By scottux on November 3, 2018 5:19 pm
I'm considering this original because I made my own cover, then vaporwave'd it myself. The FM bass comes through real good.
Audio works licensed by author under:
Copyright All rights reserved / Music / scottux's music / Delfino Plaza
I'm considering this original because I made my own cover, then vaporwave'd it myself. The FM bass comes through real good.
Audio works licensed by author under:
Copyright All rights reserved
Have not heard the original. Is this a sound track from a game? Drums are awesome and the bass is really full.
Such are the machinations of vaporwave.
Have not heard the original. Is this a sound track from a game? Drums are awesome and the bass is really full.
It's from Super Mario Sunshine. Delfino Plaza is the hub world.
Have not heard the original. Is this a sound track from a game? Drums are awesome and the bass is really full.
Yeah, like Devieus said, the original song is just a catchy tune from Super Mario Sunshine. So what I did was cover that song myself, then chop it up into vaporwaveable chunks and just aesthetics'dse's'd the hell out of it.