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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Ryan Leber's music / Weak Transistor

Weak Transistor

By Ryan Leber on May 25, 2014 7:43 pm

It's called "Weak Transistor" because Transistor (supergiantgames.com/index.php/transistor/) came our this week, and it's amazing, and you should play it. It's what inspired this track. It's called "WEAK Transistor" because I put off writing this track until the last minute, and it didn't turn out as great as I'd hoped. :\

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CC Attribution Share Alike (BY-SA)

That's cause the game was so good!  Right?  Still, you've got a pretty groovy track here.  I like the acoustic bass and guitar combo.

Great composition! I like that jazzy hip hop feel.

So noir, I just picture everything being in black and white. I havent played Transistor yet (I loved Bastion though) but I definitely will be.

Really cool laid back track.  The overall chord progression is really cool and the walking bass even better.  It kind of reminds me of some the jazzier soundtrack cues from Angelo Badlamenti's Twin Peaks.  Nice job smile

Tone Matrix wrote:

Really cool laid back track.  The overall chord progression is really cool and the walking bass even better.  It kind of reminds me of some the jazzier soundtrack cues from Angelo Badlamenti's Twin Peaks.  Nice job smile

yes: my first thought was too that it'd be something badalamenti-lynche-esques ... smile ...


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