By RajaTheResidentAlien on February 6, 2022 11:37 pm
wazzup! i was burnt out from Jamuary, so i took a rest the whole week from music-making, only bust this out last minute today... quick beat in renoise, plus synths there too(aalto and kaivo), then into Max/MSP for FFT-processing, and then into Logic for final editing/mixing/mastering(plus to record a bit of guitar to add near the end)... seems i like Renoise most, but can be quicker in Logic for certain things(here, because FFT causes a delay, it was easier for me to compensate for that delay by editing beats and guitar to the visual of the fft-processed-waveforms in Logic... although i could calculate the exact delay(FFT-size plus signal-vector size), but i've found i end up creating more varied sounds/mixing by editing manually like this... just sounds a bit more detailed and human/organic in certain ways)
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