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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Q-Rosh's music / nothing happens

nothing happens

By Q-Rosh on February 23, 2020 8:02 pm

I had this dronejam and added some sitar tracks played wildly through effects. this one is without melodies, just a walk through strange sounds. had to reduce the bitrate to upload the full lenghth.

I always have a soft spot for sitars and I feel like sitars played through effects can only be a positive thing.  Definitely some great wacked-out sounds here.

I feel like I am in a sci-fi movie. very cool soundscape.

Nice sounds in here... not sure about hearing the sitar... could be a bit more obvious cause i like the sitar wink
With this pulsing repeating sound it starts messing with your head really soon ... i listened twice while writing emails... time for lunch smile
I really like it and i definitly will listen again maybe on my evening walk wink

A throbbing tremolo of tones with an entire orchestra pit of strings left on sustain while the conductor negotiates with a dragonfly.  Under water.  That's what I hear anyway. Very cinematic!

super cool sounds!

Lovely. I'm getting more and more into drone tunes as I hear them more and more on weeklybeats. It's such a peaceful style. I like how this one seems to hum with all those oscillations going on.

Oooh, very nice droning sound scapes. Puts my head in a good space!

djippy wrote:

I feel like I am in a sci-fi movie. very cool soundscape.

sci-fi movie is a fantastic idea.

CosmicCairns wrote:

I always have a soft spot for sitars and I feel like sitars played through effects can only be a positive thing.  Definitely some great wacked-out sounds here.

It was not the the right tuning of the sitar, so I had to use effects to make it fit tothe drone sounds.

theGuen wrote:

Nice sounds in here... not sure about hearing the sitar... could be a bit more obvious cause i like the sitar wink
With this pulsing repeating sound it starts messing with your head really soon ... i listened twice while writing emails... time for lunch smile
I really like it and i definitly will listen again maybe on my evening walk wink

Unfortunatly the sitar had a different tuning. could not play it in the classical style. But will do it in the future.

NWSPR wrote:

A throbbing tremolo of tones with an entire orchestra pit of strings left on sustain while the conductor negotiates with a dragonfly.  Under water.  That's what I hear anyway. Very cinematic!

WOW ,happy to hear that. Thank you.

kaedo sevaada wrote:

super cool sounds!

Thank you, I do my very best.

hieme wrote:

Lovely. I'm getting more and more into drone tunes as I hear them more and more on weeklybeats. It's such a peaceful style. I like how this one seems to hum with all those oscillations going on.

thank you. Maybe I will do some more drone stuff.

miraclemiles wrote:

Oooh, very nice droning sound scapes. Puts my head in a good space!

thanks, glad you liked it.

These are sounds from space. Nice structure and lovely hidden soundscapes.

Intoxicating, well done i really enjoyed this piece.

The pulsing effect has an awesome sound.  Almost machine-like as it hums off into the distance.  The higher notes lurking in the distance give it some nice tension too.  The atmosphere overall is perfect, nice work!

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