Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.


By PeterM on May 19, 2024 11:56 pm

Trying to keep a little space in the song this week instead of my usual urge to layer and layer until the whole mix is full. I like the result. I would have spent a bit more time refining the vocal samples, but I ran out of time. I think I could have sliced them up to make a bit more of a cohesive narrative, but I need to refine those skills a bit more to make that happen with a time crunch. The percussion needs some more variation too, as I'm listening to the final render. Oh, and the ending ... I avoided a fade out, but ended up with a cop out lol. But I am pleased with the piano melodies in the chorus and I think I did OK with leaving space around that ... so small victory!

Thanks for listening!

Heeeeey, I think I recognize this piano!!! Hahahahaha... Awesome work here! I really like the piano melody here. It feels emotional and inspiring. Reminds me of some Moby tunes I really like. And you also really did a great job giving things space here - it doesn't sound sparse at all. Just appropriately spaced, you know?  Much restraint is needed - I know because I fail to adhere to it way too often, hahahahaaha... And for what it's worth, I also think the gas prices are baloney!

jegasus wrote:

Heeeeey, I think I recognize this piano!!! Hahahahaha... Awesome work here! I really like the piano melody here. It feels emotional and inspiring. Reminds me of some Moby tunes I really like. And you also really did a great job giving things space here - it doesn't sound sparse at all. Just appropriately spaced, you know?  Much restraint is needed - I know because I fail to adhere to it way too often, hahahahaaha... And for what it's worth, I also think the gas prices are baloney!

Thanks! I was rushed on this one ... only had a week! wink The piano was from a sample file from the Dirtywave Discord, I'm pretty sure ... Piano_88_Whole_Notes_80_BPM_16BIT.wav is the file name. I added some similar effects to what I used on my previous piano song from a few weeks ago though. The vocal samples were from various news archives from 1979 gas rationing which I found interesting ... I wanted to do a better job piecing them together but ... I only had a week! Ha ha! But the highlight was the baloney guy, so I went with that for the title.

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