Zone Melting
By onezero on February 4, 2018 11:06 pm
A complex week with a lot going on (some good--a birthday, a show--and some not good), so this track came together in little bits here and there, done mostly in-the-box due to difficulty of finding tracking time. I thought I'd try something different with sound sources, so the drum rack uses samples from the Korg Minipops, with a little boosting of the kick from Auto-Filter. I used Analog for the bass, and also for a pad and a melody line, and threw in Impulse hand-claps. There's some tortured grand piano (in Live's Simpler) that's going through modulated band-pass auto-filter, and a little fill-in track of Bastl Kastle.
Sends: convolution reverb with a plate reverb impulse, simple delay, and Filter Delay with modulated Auto-Filter in front of it.
Title from a method of refining boron, element 5. I should have tried to use the Res-O-Glas on this, since boron is used in fiberglass, but I learned that a bit too late.
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