Ways of Wisdom
By onezero on November 29, 2020 11:12 pm
This week's Thanksgiving break was...much-needed, and instead of forcing myself to be productive, I didn't start in on anything until Saturday night, when I tapped a little drum pattern (Ableton's 64 Pad Kit Jazz) into the laptop (without listening at first), and then built on it.
I'd had a thought of a guitar chord held for a while and bent with the Bigsby, and a lot of echo, so I tracked a few chordal parts on the PureSalem Mendiola (direct to the board, using the bridge pickup, and sending to AudioThing's Wires on a tweaked Clean Living preset). Then I added some counterpoint snippets with the bridge pickup, and sent that to Valhalla Supermassive (Great Annihilator mode). Finally I tracked Epiphone P-J bass, rolled off some low bass with EQ-8, and sent to Supermassive on the Megallenic Room preset.
Final tweaks: Max Humanizer and a send to Wires on the drum channel, and Full-Chain multi-band compression on the final mix.
Title comes from there apparently being 48 ways of acquiring Torah wisdom.
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