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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / onezero's music / Sporadic Group

Sporadic Group

By onezero on June 28, 2020 10:09 pm

Another intuitive assembly, this one with...four...guitar parts. I came up with a couple drum pieces, one having a bit of a shuffle, with Ableton's Drum Rack rock kit, and added a little bit of 606 on another channel (both getting some Drum Buss).  Late in the process, I put M4L Humanizer on the drums, to give things a little bit of feel.

In a couple Saturday sessions, I put down four different tracks of guitar parts with the PureSalem Mendiola going through the Balls Effects  KWB and Vox Wah. A few of these got some Auto-Filter with drive for some extra tonal character, while one got in-phase 1/32 auto-pan as tremolo.  Bass is the usual Epiphone P-J with a bit of glue compressor and EQ-8 attenuating lower frequencies.

Sends: Valhalla Supermassive (just a bit on a couple guitars and occasionally on drums), Echo (a few guitars and a few parts of the drum measures), room-sized convolution reverb with high-pass filter (everything).

The title comes from Group Theory--apparently there are 26 sporadic groups, and the way this piece is structured, it fit.

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I appreciate the detailed track notes, it gives everyone a sense of what's going on. The drums here are really great and I like the "lead" that appears roughly halfway, it's a nice sound that cuts through and adds a bit of good midrange emphasis (since I found the song a little dark EQ-wise overall).

It's a rather introspective piece. I like the noodlyness.

There are some really nice crunchy tones. Guessing that must be the BallsEffects pedal? Very pleasant overall.

Arcana wrote:

I appreciate the detailed track notes, it gives everyone a sense of what's going on. The drums here are really great and I like the "lead" that appears roughly halfway, it's a nice sound that cuts through and adds a bit of good midrange emphasis (since I found the song a little dark EQ-wise overall).

It's a rather introspective piece. I like the noodlyness.

There are some really nice crunchy tones. Guessing that must be the BallsEffects pedal? Very pleasant overall.

Thanks! Glad you like it!  All the guitar tracks went through the KWB, though with greater or lesser degrees of gain. It's a take on the old Ross distortion (MXR Distortion+, too), but with a switchable clipping circuit (LED, two silicon diodes, one silicon diode, one germanium diode) that can be swept in. The crunchier tones are higher-gain on the 2xSi, plus some Ableton Auto-Filter with drive.

Great guitar sounds there, they have a surf music/westerny tone. Very cool.

You brought out some good guitars this time.

This has a nice, pensive mood to it. Sounds very organic and fluid. The guitar tones are indeed great and make a good combination


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