Prime Square
By onezero on September 20, 2020 10:05 pm
Just a groove, pretty much. I had this little melody in mind, and quickly got it down with a MIDI electric piano, though ended up not using the piano line. I put a syncopated Ableton Drum Rack (64-pad Jazz kit), and Friday did some bass tracking first, which...was ok, but things locked in Saturday night with some distorted guitar (Res-O-Glas, Balls Effects KWB, Vox Wah). Then I tracked a bit of Epiphone P-J bass, and collaged it all together.
Inline processing: Drum Buss on the drums, and Max Humanizer. Bass: low-end rolloff with EQ-8. Guitars: a bit of Cabinet for air.
Sends: one Echo with LFO bandpass Auto-Filter going into it, and one room-sized convolution reverb.
Title from the fact that 38 is the sum of the squares of the first three primes is 38.
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