No Imaginary Part
By onezero on July 19, 2020 9:05 pm
I had a little drum line in mind during the week, though it didn't seem to lead anywhere interesting until I slowed it down to half-tempo. Saturday I put some guitar on it, both distorted and not, and...again it didn't seem to lead anywhere, until I removed them from the stereo bus directly and instead sent them only to deep reverbs. Then it worked. Unusually, I tracked bass in the arrangement view, section by section, rather than concentrating on looped phrases, so the bass seems slower than usual.
Sonically there are a few differences beyond the reverted-out quality of the guitars--mainly, I added Black Rooster Audio's Magnetite tape simulator to the drum and bass channels. Bass got a little less low-end rolloff than I've been doing, which might be...not enough low-end rolloff, but here we are.
Instruments: Ableton 64-pad rock kit drum rack, into Magnetite. PureSalem Mendiola into Balls Effects KWB (both more and less gain/distortion), Vox Wah, Moyo Volume. Ableton Collision on the modulated vibraphone preset. Epiphone P-J bass with EQ-8 rolloff.
Sends: LFO band-pass Auto-Filter into Echo plugin, Fort Worden Cistern impulse in convolution reverb, another room-size convolution reverb with some high-pass Auto-Filter in front, and Valhalla Supermassive.
Finally, I converted and uploaded before realizing that I hadn't put any multi-band compression on the stereo bus, so I added it, reprinted, and re-uploaded.
The title comes from the number 29 being an Eisenstein prime with no imaginary part.
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