By onezero on December 25, 2016 10:41 pm
Post-last-week's-show, and with the holiday here, I didn't have a lot of spare time to work on a track, but here's a new one--I was feeling some dub this week. We have a dry trap kit, some filtered K3M, some hand percussion from the very useful Ohangla Drums Live rack, hand claps, some filtered kick drum, and (very late addition, but of course) sleigh bells.
On top of those, I tracked bass, and then put in some Electric (MKI2) and Tension (Clavinet), both with bandpass auto-filter on an LFO.
Arrangement was a challenge, particularly at first. Then, when I impulsively cut the drum tempo in half, I knew it'd work. The main kit doesn't vary much, but the bass, keys, and Ohangla, as well as the send automation, provide most of the variation. It maintains a kind of mood.
Sends: Convolution reverb, a studio chamber, but sized to 150%, and filter delay into simple delay. All MIDI instruments got humanizer, and almost everything got auto-pan. Bass got half of a Cabinet plugin inline, and some convolution reverb to give it air. Lots of automation on sending things to the filter->simple. Full-chain master on the 2-bus.
So whatever you're celebrating--Christmas, Hanukkah, Sunday, post-solstice weekend, the anniversary of the coronation of Bolesław II the Generous--best wishes to you all. We've made it this far. And best wishes for the new year.
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