By onezero on June 8, 2014 7:19 pm
Another assemble-a-bunch-of-rhythms piece. Five drum machines (K3M, Rhythm King, Rhythm Ace, 606 with a short envelope, DP50), a clap track, simple bass in Operator, and some x-factor stuff: really messed-up tweaks to Ableton's Tension instrument (the weird groany sound) and three tracks of guitar through different Effects Racks, most notably the tremolo guitar one. (I've really had my eye on the Reuss Effects repeater fuzz, but haven't got one yet.) Bricolaged them together, and ended up with something a bit more maximal than I'd set out to do, but here it is.
The title comes from a description of the atomic structure of vanadium, the element with atomic number 23.
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