Chase Scene
By onezero on December 4, 2016 11:58 pm
Another full week involving several hours of effort toward the upcoming dance show, so there was a bit less time than usual to devote to this piece, but I was still able to put in more time than last week's piece. Initially I was thinking of going for something fast and breakbeat-y, like a lost early PE track, but when I put on keys (Clavinet, Rhodes, and Wurli), bass, and guitar, things got a bit more smoooooth. So I went with it.
Instruments: Drum rack of dry funk drums, with low-pass and distortion auto-filter to give it a bit of a sampled-from-vinyl curve. A bit of convolution reverb send to make it, um, less dry. Also a drum rack of assorted percussion, and a 909 kick through high-pass auto-filter to emphasize the beater.
One Tension instrument with the wah-Clavinet preset, going into a bandpass auto-filter with LFO on the center frequency, for the wah effect, going to a send with Filtered Delay going into a Simple delay. Two Electric instruments, Rhodes and Wurli, each of which got Auto-filter with distortion (high-pass on the Rhodes, low-pass on the Wurli). Rhodes went to the Filter->Simple send, while Wurli got reverb and simple delay.
I recorded Bass (80s Epi P-J) into the board, and gave it some EQ--notched at about the resonant peak of the kick, and side chained to the 909. I added some reverb send for air.
Three guitar tracks, all Epi Moderne through a Vox Wah into the board. Each got a Cabinet plugin with different settings. One got sent to Filter -> Simple delay, while the others got different amounts of reverb. Everything except dry drums and bass got auto-pan, and every MIDI instrument got Humanizer (except the 909). The 2-mix got Full Chain Master.
I ended up tracking way more bass than I used, and there was a hidden mental key change between the first and second bass sessions. (I went with bass from the second.)
In thinking about what to name it, I started to go with my frequently used "look at the week number on Wikipedia" approach, but then I started thinking "this is the funk soundtrack to a chase scene," and here we are.
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