Never Felt Love Like This
By Nullsleep on March 10, 2024 8:53 am
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Copyright All rights reserved / Music / Nullsleep's music / Never Felt Love Like This
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Copyright All rights reserved
so chill. so many cool percussion variations. I would absolutely have played this out at an after party.
the pitch slides down are super cool too.
oldschool early 90s rave warehouse vibes confirmed captured, signing off on this one
needed this song today, feel better for listening to it. thank you! favorited
There are some early '90s vibes here, indeed, as the other commenters said. But I think this is more like people think the '90s sounded versus what you actually had at the time, which would be less polished production-wise. Here things are steeped in just the right amount of reverb and delay, the pads and bass are perfectly balanced against the drums.
Hell yeah this is so dope! Definitely a head-bopper. Really enjoy how much space you've created.
funny, i'm listening while doing some other work on the computer and my first thought was, "this sounds romantic" and then saw the track title.
funny, i'm listening while doing some other work on the computer and my first thought was, "this sounds romantic" and then saw the track title.
sometimes we can have a little romantic house tune, as a treat