We Pretend We Forgot
By miraclemiles on January 14, 2018 10:14 pm
Began with more tinkering around on the Push one night, playing some simple chords over simple beat, then a bassline, and decided I liked it. Then I got to do something new: Do Monologue to it! I borrowed a Korg Monologue from fellow Weekly Beat-ist, License, a couple weeks ago. So I recorded some live messing about. Kept the best bits of the live recordings and took a couple bars of the Mono recordings and sliced them into Ableton’s Simpler and played a couple tracks of sliced loops.
Trying to add vocals a bit this year. So listened to this, hummed out a tune, made up a lyric or two, improvised some more words and laid it down. Didn’t like my voice, so vocoded it and there it is. I ended up liking the main lyric that popped into my head “More often than not, we pretend we forgot” I think it provides a jumping off point for other lyrics, none of mine which I liked very much. Another goal of mine this year is play live drums on my tracks, since that’s the only instrument I’ve ever formally learned. But I get lazy as it’s a bit of a hassle, and with two mics that I have they don’t ultimately sound that great. I have a folder of drum loops I recorded in the past, drug one onto the track and kind of liked it, so that made it in here, guess I kind of met that goal.
As I reflect on this, if I had time I would tweak the mix more, make the kick punch through, clean up the muddy bass, do better vocals to it and probably more. I like to keep adding things to tracks (it’s fun!), but need to experiment with removing things … that’s the hard part for me.
Any questions about sounds used here, happy to share.
As usual, always want some constructive criticism. Thanks for listening.
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