Myopia Reversal
By miraclemiles on November 20, 2022 11:16 pm
Saved this project with working title of "Boom Bap Goals", since I was in the mood to make a boom bap beat this week. This is what came out though. It's maybe sort boom bap adjacent. The actual title was inspired by some feels that happened this weekend. I was grumpy and lashing out a bit. I think I was being myopic, being short-sighted, and thinking about my own bad mood in the moment and cursing the names of those who also had moods in my bubble. Later, thanks probably in part to some mind-altering substances, I reversed that myopic pity party and realized, as one does, that we're all in this together, so have some empathy already.
Before the final edit I listened to Steve Lacy's awesome album, and I feel like some of that lightly influenced the final edit here. The voice sounds (barely sound like voice) are from my first experiment with the vocoder on the Microfreak synth. Also inspired by this article on Ableton's site about George Fitzgerald and his processes. He likes to go grab things from other projects for inspiration, so I did some browsing in the projects, and found this whistling thing from a past jam, I think it was me, but not sure. I may not be that good. Also I started everything by playing live drums again, finding that much more fun than programming in, but turned to Midi and edited, changed sounds and stuff later.
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