By lysdexic on January 5, 2020 2:19 am
The first of a series of pure generative MaxMSP experiments over the course of the year (ie: recorded straight out of Max into Audacity, no edits)
Texture/timbre is the focus of this patch. I used simple stochastic methods to manipulate time through delay lines and event generation, similar to basic modular techniques you'd use in a eurorack system like clock dividers/multipliers and multiple lines of CV. I'm also panning 4 mono channels around the soundstage as it develops using different time sources.
Aim here was to begin the year with an output that is relatively formless and unmusical - time and texture being the central focus. This recording is intended as a soundscape.
As the year develops I aim to introduce musical elements into my generative systems and focus on specific tasks for each week with Max as the central focus, abstracting elements and reusing them in larger more developed systems.
Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND)