Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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By license on March 28, 2020 4:53 am

I've been listening to the Autechre stream, which at this point has been running for most of the day every day for more than a week straight. They've been playing lots of d&b and jungle the last few day, which I've been enjoying although I'm not very familiar with the genre outside of, say, Black Secret Technology.

Also there was a discussion on my work Slack about junk food and someone mentioned the KrispyBo, which I'd never heard of. I was thinking of mentioning the Patois definition of "bo" but I was unable to work it into normal human conversation without sounding like a complete dork (which I'm sure I already do). By the way, the KrispyBo looks ridiculous. Delicious but ridiculous. Deliculous. https://randomforestrunner.com/tag/krispybo/

Finally I got a couple of melodies in my head so I decided to pop open Renoise and try to hash them out. They came out TERRIBLE. I was about to save and quit, and was typing in a filename along the lines of "holy fuck this is corny" and noticed another file with a nearly identical name! I saved, opened the other one up and it had a half-decent melody with a terrible baggy, march-y, 4-on-the-floor beat. I wasn't sure what to do with it so I closed the file. I went off to do other things, but the melody was kind of stuck in my head. Then it hit me - it's just the drums that are corny! Make it a dnb tune! So that's what I did. Or attempted to do.

Anyway, I hope you like it. I'm happier with this than I have been with the last several beats, not least of all because I finally finished one on a Saturday!

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CC0 Creative Commons Zero (Public Domain)

They came out TERRIBLE.

This is a common feeling for me too

another file with a nearly identical name

This happens to me so often, glad you came up with a cool idea afterwards

Love that lead sample, sounds like a sitar pluck. Kind of a latin feeling groove to me, close to a bossa nova. Drum and Bossa Nova Bass. Those leads are sweet, but the low end is little greasy, like Krispy Bo!! Tasty sounds all around, I like the vibe. Yeah man, the Krispy Bo is crazy!!!!

gesceap wrote:

They came out TERRIBLE.

This is a common feeling for me too

another file with a nearly identical name

This happens to me so often, glad you came up with a cool idea afterwards

Thank you! Just gotta keep at it, I guess.

miraclemiles wrote:

Love that lead sample, sounds like a sitar pluck. Kind of a latin feeling groove to me, close to a bossa nova. Drum and Bossa Nova Bass. Those leads are sweet, but the low end is little greasy, like Krispy Bo!! Tasty sounds all around, I like the vibe. Yeah man, the Krispy Bo is crazy!!!!

Bossa nova, interesting! Seriously about the bass, I listened on my real monitors today and I was like whoa that does not sound right. That's what I get for mixing on headphones. Glad you liked the vibe, eat a KrispyBo for me! Thanks man!

license wrote:
gesceap wrote:

They came out TERRIBLE.

This is a common feeling for me too

another file with a nearly identical name

This happens to me so often, glad you came up with a cool idea afterwards

Thank you! Just gotta keep at it, I guess.

miraclemiles wrote:

Love that lead sample, sounds like a sitar pluck. Kind of a latin feeling groove to me, close to a bossa nova. Drum and Bossa Nova Bass. Those leads are sweet, but the low end is little greasy, like Krispy Bo!! Tasty sounds all around, I like the vibe. Yeah man, the Krispy Bo is crazy!!!!

Bossa nova, interesting! Seriously about the bass, I listened on my real monitors today and I was like whoa that does not sound right. That's what I get for mixing on headphones. Glad you liked the vibe, eat a KrispyBo for me! Thanks man!

I think I've only listened on headphones, now again tonight on better ones, and bass seems  not too bad, I hear what you mean though, its kind of middle freq. you wanting more subby low end? I could see that helping out. I think one of may faves of yours this year kinda happy. I gotta catch up on the rest though.

miraclemiles wrote:

I think I've only listened on headphones, now again tonight on better ones, and bass seems  not too bad, I hear what you mean though, its kind of middle freq. you wanting more subby low end? I could see that helping out. I think one of may faves of yours this year kinda happy. I gotta catch up on the rest though.

Yeah I was trying to do something more subby but I was using the same monologue sample I've been using for like every other WB this year LOL. It's got some funky grunge happening and it's a bit detuned which I tried to correct but just made worse lol. Yeah this is definitely one of the happier ones. I got pretty dark for the others. I have to figure out how to reconcile the difference between those two vibes... or just make transitions that work for both. Variety is good, disjointedness is kinda bad-weird. Thanks for listening to all these dude big_smile

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