backtracking in penance
By license on February 11, 2024 6:00 pm
I spent most of the week playing with Max trying to build some kind of looper/DJ thing to help me sample my old tracks. It was fun, but I got stuck in rabbit holes, as I do, and kind of got lost in the sauce. When Saturday rolled around, I realized I ought to just dust off some old sketches.
I found this one from December where I was playing with M8's side instrument envelope modulation, and I was kind of feeling it, so I developed it further. Developing it out was fairly low effort. I'm not super happy with the bell melody thing, but I unexpectedly love those cheesy quarter note strings.
If you didn't notice, this one's mixed pretty hot. My stuff has been sounding pretty sterile/clean lately, and I got tired of arguing with Live's master level, so I just smashed everything through the Live compressor with soft clipping on. I... think I like that. Feels like cheating, but maybe that's just a sign of good effort to reward ratio.
All M8 synthesis, except kick (a heavily degraded tom sample from some old drum machine) and the "ambient" track soloed in the outro, which is an old Hydrasynth jam (also sliced up sloppily in M8).
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