Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.


By laguna on August 25, 2024 11:58 pm

This one was initially planned for last week as a (quite dull) ambient jam. The synth phrase was sequenced back in 2023 evening using Reaper and a Yamaha RM1x, and then dumped as audio into Renoise, so I could make playful chops.

I experimented with feedback within the tracker, but the results, contrary to Ableton, could be scary as they don't automatically reset after you abort rendering.

Long story short, I missed my upload slot and never got a new one, so I decided to make stems out of such boring ambient jam and try to give it some life with an old Reason beat, made probably circa 2004-2005.

All the finishing and chopping was made in Ableton 10.

A little bit messy and a little bit noisy, but it is the kind of hiphop I would love to hear on an imaginary dj set where turntablist scratch over more stuff than 60s funk and soul (And I DO REALLY REALLY love funk and soul, don't get me wrong).

Hope you enjoy this one, despite the chaotic mix. Have a great one, WB family!

Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Share Alike (BY-SA)

That is a sinister sounding beat yikes Like a giant robot plodding down the street but doing the singing in the rain dance.  Those reverse hits are extra nice too.  Nice way to ressurect an old track. 

Tone Matrix wrote:

That is a sinister sounding beat yikes Like a giant robot plodding down the street but doing the singing in the rain dance.  Those reverse hits are extra nice too.  Nice way to ressurect an old track.

Whoah hahaha I loved the "singing in the rain" robot image. I do store some more "sinister" Reason beats in my archive. The beat is quite unbalanced because it's a little bit too screechy in the mid range and then I tried "the French Touch" compression after I saw an tutorial, but failed miserably. Also there's no bassline and the thing comes out quite muddy.

Again, I'm glad you enjoyed my twisted electronic take on "phat hip hop". Thanks a lot for your kind words

This sounds really good, the beat has some grit and texture and the mix overall sounds very strong

Bleeoop wrote:

This sounds really good, the beat has some grit and texture and the mix overall sounds very strong

Thanks a lot, Matteo. i went a little bit overboard with the compression because I was experimenting, so the whole track came out as a square wave on the output. I'd love to do a more balanced mix yet adding some better eq to the beat. Anyway, I was glad to finally put this beat out after being on my hard drive for years unused.

gah I love this lol the rhythm of the drums and melody is so good. I’m kinda jelly how well executed this is! tongue great work

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