Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Kohlhofer's music / Shared blood, gods, and enemies

Shared blood, gods, and enemies

By Kohlhofer on May 1, 2022 10:25 pm

Nothing new here.. just more of: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/05/social-media-democracy-trust-babel/629369/

The tower has indeed fallen and here we are squabbling in the debris.

deliciously rich, old bean

like every sound and every second in here. very beautiful.

we are devo...
have you seen this video - i was imagining some similar imagery listening to your lovely piece (it was fun to turn the volume down & watch the video with your piece) similar theme smile

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