Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.


By kevanatkins on January 7, 2024 6:16 pm

Been a hot minute since I've sat down and made music. Here's to dusting the cobwebs off the old music making. Last crack at WB was 2020, but that was an ass of a year, so I didn't get far. Glad to be back.

Welcome back,

which planet are we returning from?
Imagine flying through space the kicks sound a bit like lasers while traveling through the solar system.

Not a planet this time. From the dilithium mines in the Vlugta Asteroid Field near Bajor.

Those cobwebs weren't too sticky, seems you were able to dust them off quick!

was flying through the galaxy and then my journey was paused, welcome to 2024 looking forward to the next stop.

A great journey, loved it!

Welcome back. Good stuff so far, I like the frantic ticking in the background, like a clock going haywire.
- Devieus

Welcome back for another year, Kevanatkins

Super cool arpeggios in this one. Love the pulsating rhythm... Very original and somewhat uplifting yet mysterious smile

Jokinen wrote:

Those cobwebs weren't too sticky, seems you were able to dust them off quick!

Thank you! It's always the anxiety when returning a creative pursuit after a while.

mzunguko wrote:

was flying through the galaxy and then my journey was paused, welcome to 2024 looking forward to the next stop.

Glad to have company on this flight. Thanks for listening!

SQF wrote:

A great journey, loved it!

Thank you!

Devieus wrote:

Welcome back. Good stuff so far, I like the frantic ticking in the background, like a clock going haywire.
- Devieus

Glad to be back! Thanks for listening!

laguna wrote:

Welcome back for another year, Kevanatkins

Super cool arpeggios in this one. Love the pulsating rhythm... Very original and somewhat uplifting yet mysterious smile

Glad to be back! Nice to be making music alongside you again. Thanks for listening!

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