Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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Organ Fugue

By jemmons on December 18, 2022 7:27 pm

OMG. People have modeled pipe organs! By “people” here I mean Modartt and by “modeled” I mean everything. Pipes, chiff, tremulants… even the mechanical clonking of stops which I went way overboard with here but just sound so good.

It’s a little weird to see such a detailed physical model for an instrument that’s not known for its expressivity — no velocity, aftertouch, or glide here. But I'm thrilled someone did it because there’s just a ton of spontaneous and chaotic interplay between the parts of a machine as large and complicated as an organ. It’s hard to capture it all in samples. And when you try it’s always “wet” (reverb kind of gets baked in when your instrument is a supporting wall of a structure). And huge. The modeled sounds, on the other hand are dry as a bone (which is otherworldly) allowing me to add whatever real or artificial reverb I like. And the entire Organteq plugin is only 16Mb!

And, I mean, I'm a little uneasy around houses of worship, and they wouldn't let me mess with their hardware regardless, so how else am I going to get to play around with something like this? The abundance of creative tools we have in this age is absurd!!

Anyway, here’s a fugue.

Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial (BY-NC)

This is quite surreal, though it somehow feels like an obvious forgery, not quite sure why
- Ebrit

Devieus wrote:

it somehow feels like an obvious forgery

Because I write more-or-less stream of conscious, I'm always convinced I’ve ripped off my melodies from something I’d heard over the last 40 years. So this would not at all surprise me; but at the same time I can’t create if I'm paralyzed by fear of infringement. I don’t know what to do other than move forward and apologize if I inadvertently nick something.

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