follow the white rabbit
By jbarket on September 15, 2024 11:06 pm
I've been interested in eurorack for a while. I approach music a lot more like an engineering problem than a composer, so the idea of using voltage manipulation to make music is really up my alley. But, getting started is expensive as hell, so I finally put the time in with vcv rack to get comfortable with it.
This is the first track I've ever really performed, and the performance absolutely has some weaknesses. I also think there are probably too many sounds for this kind of track. But overall, I'm pretty happy. I made a virtual machine that makes techno. Or in this case it might be techmo, but that's pretty close.
Going to keep playing with this thing and expanding it. My plan now is to keep working on the magical machine that makes techmo, and get to the point I could play a set with it. And then translate that to real world modules. BIG DREAMS, LET'S SEE IF IT LASTS A WHOLE WEEK!
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