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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Jason Nijjer's music / adventures in time and space

adventures in time and space

By Jason Nijjer on May 15, 2022 5:21 pm

Another busy week and one more to come, really need to catch up on lots of great music, no time to really spend on the mix for this one, hope those drums aren't too abrasive.

The drums do hit hard, but I like the way they sound for this track. that's a trippy track with the pads, the piano lines that seem to be at a different time signature (?) and the vocal samples.

(Drums are great.) Is the scratching yours? Love the smoked-out trip hop vibe, dope beat.

Love that intro sound.  This slaps hard ! Great track.

ilzxc wrote:

(Drums are great.) Is the scratching yours? Love the smoked-out trip hop vibe, dope beat.

Thanks, the weak scratching is me, no vinyl harmed this time, was done using Traktor, the scratching is a bit off but felt wrong to edit them in Ableton to match better

Ooooh damn yea that intro gets your attention real quick.  Excellent dark gritty trip hop vibes with the beat and calming pads.  Nice work!

ah yes, classic vibes. slightly blown kick is hot. filtered drums always tasty. Like the scratching!

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