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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Jai Cafarella's music / Take Your Medicine

Take Your Medicine

By Jai Cafarella on December 22, 2024 11:58 pm

This idea has been floating around for a few years with bits n pieces slowly added over that time but the original lyric theme was very cringe so I never got around to piecing it all together. Although this build is essentially what I originally planned, it was going to be an acoustic song, but laziness had me reaching for the electric instead (more set up to mic an acoustic) so it ended up as a more 'band' style recording.

I wanted 'jangly' guitars, particularly for the bridge. I didn't quite get the jangle I was hearing in my head, but the idea is there. I wanted the chorus to have only a mild lift from the verse so that the intro/outro motif hits harder, but I think maybe the lift is a little too subtle (sounds a bit like a pre-chorus...? hmm). Although there are some decisions I may do differently if I ever revisit this, I think it serves well enough to at least exist properly outside of my head.

Lyrically I went with a fictional concoction of various observations of the classic toxic relationship we see in film/television where one person (usually NPC) is clearly an unhealthy part of another's life (usually MC) and by the end we sometimes get to see them taste their own medicine. Sometimes they REALLY drag it out though where it can become almost unwatchable, but I guess that built tension is the point so that when the MC finally wakes it hits us harder, but dang... Anyhoo, we all enjoy seeing the NPC get exposed for who they really are.

It took me a long time to open my eyes
You're never accountable for all your lies
Instead you project all your shitty behaviours on me all the time

I'm done with your lies
Take your medicine, the truth is bitter just like you
No more of your lies
Take your medicine, take your medicine now
The world will know

You have them all fooled until they hear my side
The proof of abuse leaves you nowhere to hide
Your slanderous narratives a house of cards, I am the wind of the truth

I'm done with your lies
Take your medicine, the truth is bitter just like you
No more of your lies
Take your medicine, take your medicine now
The world will know

There's no love, there's no trust
There's no hope for us
I need peace from the uncontrolled chaos you bring
There's no heart, there's no soul
There's no empathy
You're devoid of emotions, you mimic instead.

I'm done with your lies
Take your medicine, the truth is bitter just like you
No more of your lies
Take your medicine, take your medicine now
The world will know
(The world will now know)

Taste your own medicine, choke on your lies

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Copyright All rights reserved

This song grabbed my attention as I was cleaning the house! Fantastic vocals - when you go up to that falsetto? Chills. I absolutely love the layers you have going on in here. Great builds in energy, and the stops are great. This is jangle pop gold! I want to make a second account so I can favorite this song twice.

That hook on the fade.....gah, amazing.

This song is truly balm on the ears. Amazing stuff. The world is a better place with this.
- Spider

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