By infotoxin on February 2, 2020 11:59 pm
Quick unmiuxed auxy thing.
Audio works licensed by author under:
Copyright All rights reserved / Music / infotoxin's music / Imbolc
Quick unmiuxed auxy thing.
Audio works licensed by author under:
Copyright All rights reserved
Literal last minute upload so more description here:
Missed a week and then got disheartened and skipped the last couple.
Back again, appropriately, with the day of new life and the return of light, Imbolc.
This one is barely past the sketch stage to be honest, made in Auxy on iphone yesterday, arranged and tweaked a little in Ableton. Will certianly be revisited.
Been trying to work on my harmonic writing, which coming from mostly chipmusic, took a back seat, think this is the first chord-ful piece anyone'll have ever heard from me.
Ha that was tight, I've been there on the minute margin True it sounds a bit unmixed, but this is a good solid track. The mellow epiano type chords are really nice.
Really like the drums in this. The song's got a real nice chill atmosphere to it too. Good stuff.
Keep on keepin' on! Like the drumbreaks before moving to the next eight bars. Drums could maybe use a bit more of a digital feel instead of the acoustic one they have here, but the chords and melodies have some great atmosphere and stickiness to them. I digg it