Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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By ilzxc on January 9, 2022 11:44 pm

week 1: m8, nanoloop fm, microfreak, chase bliss.

M8 Bundle

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scratchez my brainz in all the right placez

a lot of cool details in the mix here. love that scrathing-esque part incoming @ the 1:40 mark

Trippy! Lots of interesting intricacies.

I played this song for my rats heart

trumbuthegn wrote:

a lot of cool details in the mix here. love that scrathing-esque part incoming @ the 1:40 mark

Cheers, that's the MicroFreak...

Really grateful for kind words.

ilzxc wrote:
trumbuthegn wrote:

a lot of cool details in the mix here. love that scrathing-esque part incoming @ the 1:40 mark

Cheers, that's the MicroFreak...

Really grateful for kind words.


mesmerizing piece, top notch in every way.

very cool percussion sounds.. love the faux scratch!

What is each instrument doing?

gesceap wrote:

What is each instrument doing?

M8 plays prerecorded nanoloop fm loops, sequences drums, the only M8 non-sampler instrument is the obnoxious bass that plays during the obnoxious lead part. The lead is the MicroFreak, I didn't have any plan, just wanted to use the Karplus mode to make something neat. M8 sequences the MF & generates all other sounds. The MF goes into Condor (static setting from the pic) and MOOD. With MOOD, I wanted to use the delay effect which (in presence of SLIP and REVERB seems less exciting) -- so I kinda tweaked it to sound like a plate verb-thang and rode the feedback while recording. The weird slow-down effect at the end of the chorus is just moving the clock after maxing out feedback. (Ping me in M8 or WB discords if any clarification needed.)

gesceap wrote:

What is each instrument doing?

Bass from the tune is here: https://www.impbox.net/matey/TUBULAR

that microfreak looks like so much fun

emily wrote:

that microfreak looks like so much fun

Of all the gear I own, I don't think there's another synth I would recommend as readily (the other is the M8, but that's not really just a synth) because it's immediate, silly, unassuming, and fun. Childlike & gritty, delightful machine.

Ipaghost wrote:

Aw, jeez, thanks, seeing the file name in the reply gave your comment a whole new depth!

Judgement Act wrote:


codydjango wrote:

very cool percussion sounds.. love the faux scratch!

Thanks, still trying to get my footing w/ beat-oriented stuff, really appreciate the encouragement.

zpeisman wrote:

mesmerizing piece, top notch in every way.

Oh jeez, man, kindest words, and sincerely appreciate it. Been enjoying your work, will hopefully dip my hand into something more thoroughly honestly chip tune this year!

sad_infamy_sings wrote:

I played this song for my rats <3

I love rats (and, really, most animals, with a slight preference to furry mammals, but everyone can hang), hope they weren't stressed by it.

ModalModule wrote:

Trippy! Lots of interesting intricacies.

Thank you -- interesting is a word that I'm often afraid of, but I'll take "trippy" smile

RajaTheResidentAlien wrote:

scratchez my brainz in all the right placez

Aw tankz! heart

so many cool details in here but it feels organically grown.

are you Arca?  you can be honest with me, i won't tell anyone.  wink

orangedrink wrote:

are you Arca?  you can be honest with me, i won't tell anyone.  wink

I love Arca, jeez such kinds words.

license wrote:

so many cool details in here but it feels organically grown.

Yoooh, thanks.

ilzxc wrote:
orangedrink wrote:

are you Arca?  you can be honest with me, i won't tell anyone.  wink

I love Arca, jeez such kinds words.

license wrote:

so many cool details in here but it feels organically grown.

Yoooh, thanks.

Haha, orangedrink. No, YOU'RE Arca.
Seriously great first WB! The Microfreak is so cool, we have 4 in our library because @drum bender has excellent taste. I recommend it to all our synth newbies. Such great presets but also fun to program. Instant cool.
Shout out to @n_ronvaldez for donating an M8 to MusicLandria, I hope a lot of folks make a lot of cool music with it!
*using @ like a tree falling in an abandoned forest*

fetalface wrote:
ilzxc wrote:
orangedrink wrote:

are you Arca?  you can be honest with me, i won't tell anyone.  wink

I love Arca, jeez such kinds words.

license wrote:

so many cool details in here but it feels organically grown.

Yoooh, thanks.

Haha, orangedrink. No, YOU'RE Arca.
Seriously great first WB! The Microfreak is so cool, we have 4 in our library because @drum bender has excellent taste. I recommend it to all our synth newbies. Such great presets but also fun to program. Instant cool.
Shout out to @n_ronvaldez for donating an M8 to MusicLandria, I hope a lot of folks make a lot of cool music with it!
*using @ like a tree falling in an abandoned forest*

Oops I didn't mean to suggest that you're a synth newbie because obviously you know a lot about synths! I'm a synth newbie smile

an fresh mixture of experimental glitchy electro and dub. I like this very much. Found the MOOD in the picture. I use it in my effectchain too.

Love the plodding beat here. Nice work!

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