Trois Cats
By gpsychosis on October 28, 2018 11:57 pm
Music composition became somewhat of a challenge to the Sai after harnessing the power of quantum computing and rolling out a global hardware upgrade. The agreed-upon solution came from a dream database curator, and now Sai musicians ply their trade with the assistance of software daemons that uncannily resemble felines.\\\\\\
///Personal embedded devices usually allocate three autonomous audio units with which to compose songs, with practically unlimited polyphony. Composers often issue an atonal beat and a melodic sound gradient to each daemon, setting a few parameters, and iterating a handful of times until they are satisfied with the results. The daemons' intelligence self-informs with forays into other dimensions, pattern-matching for musical data. Their near-universally-recognized form allows them to collect sounds from sentient beings' conscious and subconscious performances. As a side effect, they occasionally compel beings across the multiverse to make triadic compositions.
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