Ternary Trusion
By gpsychosis on August 19, 2018 6:00 pm
Perception can be accessed on three levels: sensory, cognitive, and ethereal. A thought may be limited to one such dimension, or any combination thereof, but the imaging of reality demands a tripartite synthesis of perceived phenomena by those who inhabit it, and is an ever-present process.\\\\\\
///A symbol has a shape and medium, and in this sense, it is sensory. The sequence of sound or image invoked by a symbol, of course, reveals a cognitive component. Distinct but intertwined with these is the meaning or metaphor, which, often -- in particularly efficient fashion -- folds back onto the symbol's own sensory-cognitive action. In this way, the ethereal is extruded into the material as a result of its perception and invocation, by leveraging three layers of experience.
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