By gpsychosis on June 3, 2018 1:56 pm
Deep into the landlocked regions of Terrh, which know little of Sai influence, citizens access the databiome without the aid of augmented, broadband nooradix. Instead, those hungriest for information tune their noogourds to distant, implacable frequencies, finding a delicate enough orientation to capture the chorus of the infodawn. The repetitive motions needed to optimize signal amidst noise get committed to muscle memory once practiced in one's curiosity.\\\\\\
///It is impossible for inlanders to listen to the magnetosphere-bounced echoes in high fidelity, and many develop knots in their muscles from attempting to detangle these signals. Some even mistake the advancement of noogourd tuning technique for appreciation of their initially-sought distant knowledge. The muscle deformations that result from this and other such hobbies are recognized fitness signifiers. The Terrhans who come closest to decoding the infodawn balk before the stigma of not having developed the associated fibre bundles, disparaged for their lack of discipline.
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