Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.


By gesceap on April 28, 2022 10:39 pm

A old song which I hated so I worked on trying to make it better

0100000 = 32

Nanoloop mobile file: https://github.com/gesceap/weeklybeats2 … 000003.nan

ha, I respect you for trying to finish an old thing! I have too many abandoned things to count. it is kind of sad to think about. anyway, I think this turned out great. tasty melodic changes and the drum work is top notch.

What did you hate about the old one? Literally the only thing that bothers me about this is the 7-bit representation w/ that leading 0. (The tune is excellent.)

license wrote:

ha, I respect you for trying to finish an old thing! I have too many abandoned things to count. it is kind of sad to think about. anyway, I think this turned out great. tasty melodic changes and the drum work is top notch.

I've done this a few times this year. Usually songs which are short loops, nothing substantial, and I try to create something out of it.

It's like having a long visit with an old friend whom you've lost in your youth. Parting ways knowing that you won't see each other again for years to come but yet are at peace.

ilzxc wrote:

What did you hate about the old one? Literally the only thing that bothers me about this is the 7-bit representation w/ that leading 0. (The tune is excellent.)

The breakdown/chorus was half time and felt jarring when you arrived at that point, i layered more drums and made it match the other rhythm a bit more.

I believe I really only named the track in this manner to find it easily in the ordered list of song files in nanoloop. It is a bit verbose with the zeros

I love that we hand an exchange summarized as: you need another leading zero because of my even-nim-of-bits OCD, and the response is: pragmatism, but I find it verbose already.

Btw last time I tried to open your .nan files on my iPhone version of nanoloop it didn’t work, but I will try again on my partner’s iPad.

Spacey whole and crisp! Well done!

ScanianWolf wrote:

Spacey whole and crisp! Well done!

Feels better now but maybe too quiet? Thoughts

Congratulation. I find this song amazing and especially good not overdoing things, but having a lot surprising varieties. tasteful indeed.

gesceap wrote:
license wrote:

ha, I respect you for trying to finish an old thing! I have too many abandoned things to count. it is kind of sad to think about. anyway, I think this turned out great. tasty melodic changes and the drum work is top notch.

I've done this a few times this year. Usually songs which are short loops, nothing substantial, and I try to create something out of it.

It's like having a long visit with an old friend whom you've lost in your youth. Parting ways knowing that you won't see each other again for years to come but yet are at peace.

Nice reflection on revisiting old material and giving it another chance…

I really like the distinct movements this piece contains, a lot of variation but they all kind of make sense together. Some really heavy moments, some beautiful melancholic reflective parts, some parts full of energy, almost getting into DnB territory, shifting sort of between double and half time, very cool.

flippin' oof dude. this made me do the stanky face.

10k wrote:

flippin' oof dude. this made me do the stanky face.

Oh i know the face it's the "this is gross i love it"

Exciting drum and unexpected changes on this. I like your rhythm from 1:27, so cool. I don't know how it sounds before but you succeed making it amazing now smile

Very nice breakbeat there. The melody changes are interesting, keeping a sense of mystery but alternating the atmospheres.

Alette wrote:

Exciting drum and unexpected changes on this. I like your rhythm from 1:27, so cool. I don't know how it sounds before but you succeed making it amazing now smile

That part is the part I liked, the section right before was very unorganized, so i worked a lot on the drums to fill it out

Kedbreak136 wrote:

Very nice breakbeat there. The melody changes are interesting, keeping a sense of mystery but alternating the atmospheres.

Yeah this is a very drum centric tune, the bass and melody and relatively simple, the drums hold it together

Extra kudos for diggin' out something from the "incomplete" pile. Sorting through that pile is basically most of my WB output wink

Maybe the melody is not as forefront here, though the drum programming in top notch, no doubt. Always impressive to see the level of detail you achieve in Nanoloop (I think most of us can't pass the looping phase there).

laguna wrote:

Extra kudos for diggin' out something from the "incomplete" pile. Sorting through that pile is basically most of my WB output wink

Maybe the melody is not as forefront here, though the drum programming in top notch, no doubt. Always impressive to see the level of detail you achieve in Nanoloop (I think most of us can't pass the looping phase there).

This is the first year where I am doing some new works and reviving a lot of unfinished tunes.

Funny enough I rarely use the looping mode, almost always the sequencer

beat & base are amazeballs.

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