How'd it go?
By george bowles on March 3, 2024 4:28 am
This week i took a few days off and didn't dive right in after two months. Eventually after a phone call with my bff i got inspired to do some drum beats, again on my arturia drumbrute, this time no polyrhythms because of time constraints. My goal was to return to what i was doing earlier in the year and run some of the separate channels out of the drum machine, while also sending out the main output. This time i didn't sync up any virtual drum machine or secondary drum machine, to save time.
Thursday night i did the drum tracks, 3 patterns i think, maybe 4. maybe one of them was a polyrhythm, but i think all were 16 based. anyways, main channel out into board, one channel out into delay/reverb multifx, and another into my guitar board (mainly using a red panda particle, and occasionally a standard fuzz). i would move around which channels were going out of each of these 4 outputs (only two were ran into pedals at a time), so it gave the drum section of the song a lot of variety and movement, sometimes dub-like and at others otherworldly.
then last night i finished up mixing the 3 separate drum channels, mixing wise.
Saturday night/tonight i did a lot of layering with synthesizers, including two stereo hydrasynth outputs/performances, while each time triggering a vst-i, first time around surge xt's 808 bass emulator, then cherry audio's Expander vst-i conjuring a swirling/phasing sound coupled with a zither vst-i.
all in all i think it ended up sounding very analog! especially the drums which were entirely analog/no vsts. but all the hydrasynth and vst-i sounds ended up being very analog as well, imo. enjoy! this is mostly live performance, not much post-production done other than mixing and some eq'ing and subtle filtering.
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