Edmond, Oklahoma

Hello everybody

I’m hoping to come back either this week or next. I have one song this year. It’s been a rough year. On 11 January 2022, my wife what would have been 44 years died. It was not expected, or planned or anything else she was just sitting in her recliner waiting for us to leave for an appointment I went and changed clothes came back she was nonresponsive I called 911 and 45 minutes later in the hospital they told me she had passed. She was my muse, my best friend and the love of my life.

Even though I did not always listen to her she would give me her honest opinion about anything that I wrote if I asked. Did we like the same kind of music? No. As a composer I like the little bit of a lot of things, as a listener she likes a little bit of a lot of things. But that’s for the similarities ended. We both like the symphony pot I was more in the fusion jazz and she was a lot more into Bluegrass.

But enough about that I could go on and on but I will not. I got another computer a new one and I am going to use it instead of my old slow one that didn’t have enough memory. It was finally delivered last week. That’s not what’s been keeping me from composing. What’s been keeping me from composing is that everything I’ve been writing has been not good. Even with my new computer which has been taking its sweet time about setting up really that’s probably more on me to straightening out licenses and all that sort of thing is tedious at best as we all know and it 72 I don’t suffer such things well.

I know I’m rambling but it is something that happens as I get older. I will shall be returning soon and I look forward to doing so. Everybody here is the kindest of critics. I enjoy This batch of creatives. Many of you don’t know how lucky you are to found a group like this so early in your life. Most of the time until I was in my 40s being a creative was not considered a good thing. How they liked it when you were coming up with a solution but you kind of had to keep it under your hat that you were good at doing such things. But at my last job the first thing I did after checking in and was asked my new boss what I should do and she told me go back to your desk and create something and I thought this is the best job in the world. And that’s exactly what I did for the next 20 years.

Anyway I just wanted to say I’m happy to be back and hopefully I’ll have something today if not I’ll have something for next week thank you so much you’re all such a blessing.