Wisconsin, USA

So many of your tracks have made it off of this website and onto my computer and onto my portable music player and into my life and into my heart.  I listen to your music when I'm jogging, when I'm cleaning the house, when I'm falling asleep, when I'm journaling, when I'm driving.  Thank you so much.

It's amazing to realize that we all have these gifts and sometimes excuses like time, money, fear, motivation, etc. get in the way of us sharing them.

10 down 42 to go ttyl

St Louis

yes, thank you weekly beats, it is nice to have the impetus to create work this often, it's how you can learn and stumble across new sounds, techniques, and methodologies. and great to get feedback on my work, i don't get that too much. speaking of which, are there any blogs to send music to get reviewed?