
Hi!  So i am on vacation and my computer was stolen hmm.  When i found out about this project (through cdm) my first thought was "how am i going to write a track in my first week w no computer?" 

I am treating this as an opportunity rather than an impediment.  As i still have a smart phone (android) i am wondering if anyone has found an app that they find condusive to finishing a track.  I have messed around with some stuff which is ok for making some sounds but didnt inspire me to finish a song.


Cincinnati, Ohio

all that i have been able to find is sound recorders and dictation apps, but if you have a way to record it like that its possible all be it not the most desirable option.  thats a tough one and id love to know if there is a good app for that!


there are some multitrack recorders that are decent if that's what you're looking for. I can't remember them off the top of my head. But I recall trying some of the top downloaded that worked fine.

I would 100% recommend Nanoloop Mobile if you're looking for a program that you can produce an entire tack inside. Been using almost exclusively for the last 2+ years.



The future

I have actually been working on writing a 4 channel amiga mod tracker for iOS.. i hope to release a version within the next few months wink mr.80 actually posted a vine of it a coupla months ago wink

Michigan, USA

Dang Phil, that looks really sweet.  I just beg of you to make it work on older iOS versions!

Last edited by PWR (January 3, 2014 7:48 pm)

Milwaukee, WI

Caustic: … &hl=en

The full license key is $10 (USD), but I say it's worth it. It's super-easy to learn and the sounds you can make are surprisingly good. You can import and export WAV, and I think with the new version even has controller compatibility.

Watch the video. It'll explain all the features much better than I can.


I ended up going w pixitracker by the same guy as sunvOx.  Its a lot simpler so it lets me just focus on writing and it comes with some cool chiptune sounds.  Got sunvox and caustic too but that is for down the road i think.  Thanks for the help!

Internet, Australia

nanoloop and nanostudio.


I like free stuff, so I go above and beyond finding free stuff that works like stuff I'm used to.

Milkytracker is a tracker, it works and behaves exactly like Milkytracker on desktop, 100% exactly (some exceptions may apply). It only exports to wav as far as I know though.

MidSequer is a piano roll editor, the controls can be a bit quirky, but it does do stuff okay enough, it can only export to MIDI.

Of course I won't be using any of that this year, I'm going acoustic.

Last edited by Devieus (January 7, 2014 4:04 pm)

rochester ny

definitely sunvox

Milwaukee, WI

I recommended Caustic, which I planned to use until settling into my new place, only to realize today that it doesn't export to MP3. So yeah, still love it, but no week one for me.

The future
PWR wrote:

Dang Phil, that looks really sweet.  I just beg of you to make it work on older iOS versions!

I dont really have a means to test on older versions. Why dont you just upgrade? or are you part of the jail break crowd?

irvine, ca

not a full production solution but i'm having a lot of fun with impaktor (iOS app, mic triggered drum synth).  you just hit record and start finger-drumming on the table. used it almost exclusively to make loops for my first track here


Phil Harmonic, let us know when it's out. Looks like we're working in more or less the same domain wink

Washington DC

Definitely recommend Caustic for a good mobile scratch pad (it can export MIDI!)
And definitely recommend staying away from the FL Mobile app, it's a disaster.

Last edited by Ryan Leber (January 7, 2014 3:12 pm)