(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Well, last week I spent more time suggesting themes than composing...:-(

Ah, so I'm not so smart...as usual.

I like the gradual change idea.  Genre, tempo, style....seems like each person could bend it to their own particular area of challenge.

I could get behind gradual change.... that even works with Shirley Temple (movie star to diplomat...), which also disproves the old F.Scott Fitzgelrald quote: "there are no second acts in American lives..."

So, let's get this in a certain direction. Maybe the genre idea....trying something outside your comfort zone.  I mean, I like the Shirley Temple idea, but I'm over 50 and she's just at the white edge of of my history/experience.  Can't imagine anyone under 40 having any connection to her emotionally if I don't.