(43 replies, posted in General Discussion)

What I usually do, is before I start work on LSDJ, I open up FamiTracker, get a nice lead and decide how and where I want it. Then, I start an intro using only WAV and PU1 (for effects) on LSDJ. When the two meet in conjunction with each other, or when I feed my MIDI through to my laptop, I have a little jam on the guitar to see if I can come up with anything and then when I get some rhythm going, I stop everything I'm doing and just get in the zone and fucking write dude. I usually write about 5 or 6 intros to songs, leave them on the memory bank, create something timeless, delete those intros and just concentrate on writing my new song, using the ideas from those previous deleted files. So, in essay format, give that a go. It might do you good.