(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

eatmeatleet wrote:

What is your excuse of not benefiting from this right now?

Dayjob, "biphasic" friends, enjoyment of daylight, etc. In short, if all I can get is 2-3 extra wake hours, I have much more to lose than gain. Dkstr probably pinpointed the typical polyphasic sleeper.

VBO wrote:

I'm insulted.  Quite pretentious of you, OP, to think that the entire community is all about bleep-bloops.

Quite pretentious of you to pretend to be insulted by such an innocent remark. tongue

I very much agree, though. There are a lot of unfamiliar names here (to me as a person who usually deals with chip music).

You can't have a writer's block. There's a deadline to meet!

Agreed! When you have a chain of four operators, sound design can be a lot of trial and error, but I think it gets more fluent after a while. The effect tweaking has on the spectral content is not as naturally obvious to people as with simple filters, and there are no good metaphors to describe it.

These snares are great!

The pair algorithm is probably best, yeah. Max out the feedback as you suggested (or at least until you get a good crackly noise) for the snare part. Then, for the other pair, use a short, snappy decay (no or very little sustain) for the modulator and a slightly longer one for the carrier to get both a pop and a ringing tone for the drum part. Experiment with the decays, and also the carrier attack for the noise pair. I think a real snare starts rattling slightly after the initial pop on the skin.

I'm not sure how the bass drums are gone (I'm spoiled with note slides in TFM smile) but I guess you should focus on two operators as for the drum part of the snare. I hope that is of some help.


(33 replies, posted in Site Help)

Oh great, that was quick, trash80!

MFB-522, x0xb0x, MicroKORG, KORG EA-1, TX81Z, FB-01. I have MIDI interfaces for the C64 and Amiga 1200 as well, but I don't think they'll be very useful in that sense.

Usually I let the EA-1 sequence the TX81Z, the MFB and x0x run their own sequencers, and the FB-01 mostly just stands in the wardrobe. I like sequencing without computers, but since yesterday, I'll give it all up for sequencing in Reason smile

My short term goals include getting accustomed to some linux music tools and stop using the on-board sequencers for my MIDI gear. In the long term, I want to get back to composing music somewhat regularly, and I'm thinking that if I can do one song every week, I can probably do two, so I might try at making an album alongside this whole thing.

Today I'll need to buy more MIDI cables!

I will keep it in mind when I get to your song!


(33 replies, posted in Site Help)

I noticed some things I thought could be better. I guess this could be a general thread for such ideas; quick fixes or things that could be considered for the next iteration of weeklybeats.

As for my ideas, how about adding some sort of key to the songs in the song list that marks them as having been listened to and/or commented on (by yourself)? Maybe even three color keys for listened to/commented on/listened to, but not commented on.

Also I guess this could be a bug report (I'm not sure how the player is supposed to behave): Sometimes when playing through the song list, the queue randomly jumps a few songs back or forth instead of just going to the next song. I wouldn't mind this, but when keeping track of what you've listened it's quite an annoyance. I am using google chrome, if that is relevant.


(75 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I can always resort to acid, and so I did this week.


(88 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I will!


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)